

Page history last edited by David Dodgson 13 years, 11 months ago

TED Teachers' Network




Hello and welcome to the TED Teachers' Network. This space is intended to act as a professional development tool for teachers at TED schools in Turkey. Over the next few weeks/months, I will be adding resources including lesson ideas, classroom management advice, discussions and informative and useful weblinks.


I have made a tutorial video to show the basics about using this site. I hope you find it useful.


After you have logged in for the first time, please visit this page to introduce yourself virtually!


In time, I hope this webspace will develop as a collaborative network of English teachers from TED schools across Turkey. If you are a TED teacher and wish to have access to the editing features, you can request permission using the 'request access' link on the right of this page.


Announcement - Free Online Conference this weekend!! (January 8th and 9th)



This weekend sees the latest edition of the Reform Symposium Online Conference. The event will begin on Saturday, 8th January at 5pm (Ankara time) and run until 8am on Sunday, 9th January with over 25 sesssions and discussions taking place.


It's free to join and you can attend just by sitting in front of your computer. Simply go to the conference website http://reformsymposium.com/ and follow the links to the virtual presentation rooms.


The following sessions may be of interest for TED teachers:

  • 6pm, Saturday Jan 8th - Teacher Burnout presented by John Spencer
  • 8pm, Saturday Jan 8th - Twitter: Turn 140 Characters into a Virtual Staffroom presented by Guido Europeaantje
  • 10.30pm, Saturday Jan 8th - Reflective (and effective!) Classroom Management presented by David Ginsburg
  • 11.30pm, Saturday Jan 8th - Let Them Speak: Creating a student centred classroom presented by Pernille Ripp
  • 3am, Sunday Jan 9th -  Creating Safe Learning Environments presented by Greta Sandler


The full schedule of presentations (displayed in Ankara time) can be found here.


As usual, if you are unable to attend the sessions but would like to view them at your leisure at a later date, they will all be archived and available for viewing on the conference website.


New on the wiki (January 2011)





Creative Commons Licence
This contents of this wiki by TED Ankara Koleji are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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